News/ArticlesAwarenessSIETE Program Final leg in Ghana

SIETE Program Final leg in Ghana

SIETE delegates from Portugal, Ireland, Ghana, and Finland

SCEF is privileged to be part of the Ghana delegation to host representatives from Portugal, Ireland, and Finland ahead of the SIETE Program Final Leg, in Ghana on the 12th of June 2022 for a four days Social Inclusion Education and Training Exchange Program. This is for Sports Professionals, coaches, and volunteers scheduled from 12th to 15th June 2022.

The Football Association of Ireland, Portugal, Ghana, Finland, and SCEF are participating in this program, which is co-financed by the European Union and the Irish FA. The Ghana Football Association (GFA) will serve as the main project’s host after assuming responsibility for the event from the previous host, Finland.

The project’s objective is coming together to increase knowledge and share among the member Associations to build competence in inclusive football. The street children are part of this inclusive community project because children like to explore using games that they love, especially football.

lawyer Prosper Harrison Addo, GFA General Secretary presentation

On the 13th of June, the delegates had a successful meeting and presentations as part of the line-up program for the project at the Ghana Football Association office.

The Ghana team leader Dr, Bello Bitugu, Director of the Sports Directorates – University of Ghana and Board Chair-SCEF gave a welcome address and mentioned in his speech

“I am the happiest person today because it is fulfilling to see hard work bear fruits”. He also continues to thank the GFA for their immense support during this project.

Lawyer Prosper Harrison Addo, General Secretary of GFA also took time to explain to the team how the Ghana GFA operates, its mandate, and its principles.

Mr. Paul Semeh, Founder/Executive Director for SCEF presentation

Mr. Paul Semeh, Founder and Executive Director of SCEF discussed the background of the organization and how SCEF uses a Sports for Development curriculum to Safeguard, Advocate, Partner, and Empower street-connected children. This highlighted the importance of involving children and other institutions in the development of projects such as sports.

Other presentations were made by Dr. Bella Bello Bitugu and Lawyer Prosper Harrison Addo on the ongoing projects in Sports by the University of Ghana and the GFA respectively. The whole team from Ghana, Portugal, Ireland, and Finland will take a voyage to the Central part of Ghana, Cape Coast where they will visit some sports facilities, and historical places and further their meeting and discussion on the SIETE Program Final Leg.

SIETE Program delegates

Join Us for the "Sound of Freedom" Movie Premiere!

This event, celebrating SCEF’s 15th anniversary, will feature a powerful film screening followed by a panel discussion with child rights activists and community leaders.