SAPE Agenda 2030

Advocating for children’s right and safeguarding children in street situation through partnership to empower families and communities.

Our agenda for 2030

Agenda for 2030

We provide access to

Foundational Priorities

Child Rights Programming: A model which will be used to empower the environment and position the children within the society towards development.

Human Rights-Based Approach: We seek to empower the poor and vulnerable instead of being a mere recipient of charity as well as respect the dignity of the children and their guardians.

Sustainable Development & Cooperation: SCEF shall involve all relevant stakeholders and partnering institutions to achieve cooperation for a sustainable community.

Who we work with


Parents / Families

Government / Local authorities

Communities / Interest Groups

Civil Society / Donors


Protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s health or development and ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.

Key focus areas

  • Educate and empower street connected children on their rights
  • Professionalize the practice, standards, and methods of social workers interaction with street-vulnerable children.
  • Expand the impact of SCEF beyond James Town
  • Protect children from the consequences of plastic pollution, open burning, and climate change through education


  • Partner with at least 20 active local and international streetism networks.
  • Encourage family involvement.
  • Improve the quality of the rescue process and provide scholarships.
  • Provide at least two family counseling sessions per month
  • Reduce plastic waste by encouraging reusable plastics and recycling


Key focus areas

  • Ensure proper implementation of the right to basic education
  • Create awareness about the rights of children.
  • To lobby for effective policy and promote quality and holistic education across the community
  • Ensure policy and legislative change to improve the welfare of street-connected children


  • Increase social media
  • Partner with 5 advocacy groups
  • To make the right to childhood and education a national agenda item by 2023
  • Participate in at least one Global Climate Strike
  • Identify and work with journalists and other advocacy groups to amplify our advocacy positions


Key focus areas

  • Creating 3-5 meaningful partnerships with partners who share our values and goals in order to make a greater impact and ultimately become self-reliant
  • Emphasis on increased grant writing and obtaining sustainable funding opportunities


  • Collaborate on at least 1 event with each partnering organization in order
    to increase SCEF’s visibility and involvement within community decisions
  • Collaborate with at least 1 environmental organization to participate in regular beach cleanups in James Town as part of our WASH project


Key focus areas

  • Build our microenterprises in cooperation with other partner organizations with similar programs and want to partner with us to achieve our individual goals and objectives


  • Have 5-10 more Urban Savings & Loans groups within the various communities in James Town in 2 years enrolling 150-300 people to benefit
  • Build our microenterprises in cooperation with other partner organizations with similar programs and want to partner with us to achieve our individual goals and objectives.

Join Us for the "Sound of Freedom" Movie Premiere!

This event, celebrating SCEF’s 15th anniversary, will feature a powerful film screening followed by a panel discussion with child rights activists and community leaders.
