News/ArticlesEducationInvesting in Literacy: The Reading Is Basic Project and Its Promise for Ghana’s Future

Investing in Literacy: The Reading Is Basic Project and Its Promise for Ghana’s Future

Investing in the Reading Is Basic project being an investment in the future of Ghana. As the project coordinator, I am excited to share the progress made in Phase 2 of the project, which was successful in distributing books and logistics to 40 beneficiary schools across the Accra Metro and Ga-South clusters of schools. This is a groundbreaking effort that will help to promote reading culture among children and reduce school dropouts in Ghana.

Through a partnership with Book Aid International (BAI), Rotary Club of Accra Airport (RCAA) and Rotary Club of Elgin, Illinois (RCE) the project was able to distribute 20,000 brand-new UK books to the schools, valued at GBP 223,086 (GHS 2,900,118). The books were carefully selected to cater to diverse interests and reading abilities among the students, and each school received an equitable distribution of books based on their specific needs and grade levels. In addition to the books, the project received generous support from its partners in the form of logistics valued at GBP 11,246 (GHS 146,200), which were allocated to each school based on their capacity and requirements.

To ensure effective utilization of the donated books and logistics, a three-day workshop on School Library Management, was organized for teachers and librarians from the beneficiary schools. The workshop equipped the attendees with the necessary knowledge and skills to maximize the impact of the Reading Is Basic Project, enhance their skills in managing school libraries, and promote a reading culture among students.

The Reading Is Basic II Year 2 Project was successful in distributing books and logistics to the beneficiary schools, and the project team is committed to monitoring and evaluating the impact of the project on the reading culture in the beneficiary schools. We believe that this project will go a long way in promoting reading culture among children and reducing school dropouts in Ghana.

Investing in this project is an investment in the future of Ghana. By promoting a reading culture among children, we empower them with knowledge and skills that will enable them to succeed in life.

We appreciate the support of our partners, Book Aid International (BAI), Rotary Club of Accra Airport (RCAA) and Rotary Club of Elgin, Illinois (RCE) in making this project a success. We invite individuals and organizations to join us in this groundbreaking effort to transform the lives of children in Ghana through the power of reading.

Join Us for the "Sound of Freedom" Movie Premiere!

This event, celebrating SCEF’s 15th anniversary, will feature a powerful film screening followed by a panel discussion with child rights activists and community leaders.
